More Corsairs in, the F4U kind. These should help get a squadron going.

The F4U Corsair section will be building over the next week. We intend to put a big focus on product lines and models that are relative to that aircraft. The types, modifications, the events, the battles, all in easy grouped pages. The Corsair had such long lasting effects on the war effort and carrying over into other post war activities such as air races (can’t wait to post our air race line) and airshows.

This month the birdcage Corsair F4U-1/2 is the most popular seller and this model was later modified to increase the pilot’s visibility. The pilot position during taxi didn’t help visibility so work was done to assist this with the improved canopy design.


US M4A3E8 "Easy Eight", a fun kit to build!


Our Most Popular Kit This Week-B25 Mitchell