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The F-4J Super Wing Series is ready for your Fall build.

The 3rd SWS F-4J kit, going back to the Navy with VF-142 Ghostriders markings!

Since its first flight in 1958, the F-4 has won many battles across the battlefields of the Vietnam and Gulf war, widely operated over a long span of time all over the world! With our SWS kits, we aim to approach what makes this jet so unique with its various squadrons and deployments. VF-142 Ghostriders, was one of the squadrons still operating the F-4J in the last “Rhino” days. It features a vertical tail boldly colored in orange-yellow with multi-colored stars to represent the CAG aircraft.

The biggest barrier to kit development lies in representing the external features of the F-4, such recreating the thickness and sharpness of the nose while including the large overhang on the sides of the nose as well. This SWS kit carries out a thorough coverage of the actual machine by reproducing it’s esoteric shape and appearance precisely and unmatched.