Take a look at this weeks featured kit- the 1/72 Hasegawa P-51D Mustang

This Hasegawa kit is highly detailed and feature recessed panel lines, detailed cockpit, clear pieces for canopy, great decals and detailed instructions.

The P-51D Mustang is considered by many to be the best fighter aircraft of WWII. It incorporated advanced features such as a laminar flow wing and an efficient radiator design. Powered by the Packard-built Rolls-Royce Merlin V-1650 engine, it demonstrated superior performance and is widely considered to be the definitive variant of the Mustang. They were used to escort bombers such as B-17s and B-24s all the way to Germany and helped the Allies gain air superiority over Europe.

1/72 Hasegawa P-51D Mustang
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1/72 Hasegawa P-51D Mustang

Inventory Additions: AK REAL COLORS: Basic Clear Colors RCS022


This week features a great 1/72 kit, the Hasegawa K161-I Tei HIEN Tony