Identification-Bismarck & Prinz Eugen

Identifying ships at port and at sea can be difficult depending upon the visibility conditions and the angle of the viewer. The use of optics to help provide long range identification was helpful for both aircraft and ships. It has been noted in several books and articles that H.M.S. Hood had initially targeted Prinz Eugen with salvos meant for Bismarck, which could have an effect on the gunnery calculations (Winklareth, 2002). The Bismarck was very large for a Battleship (823ft) and during the battle with H.M.S Hood, the Prinz Eugen was supporting the Bismarck and was 685ft, a mere 20% difference. It can be understandable that in the heat of battle that this could occur. More posts to come related to the comparisons between the Prinz Eugen and the Bismarck.

Winklareth, Robert J. The Bismarck Chase: New Light on a Famous Engagement. Chatham, 2002.
